Fakiest faker ever
Then that mean inner critic woke up. I guess she had slept in or maybe she’s in a different time zone. I wish she had taken the dang day off. But no, there she was, weaseling her way into my brain.

Differently fabulous
Have you ever felt out of step?
Like maybe you just didn’t fit in, but didn’t know why? Or like no matter how hard you try, you’d never be one of the cool kids? 😎
I’m always ALWAYS left speechless when I see that first one — and left breathless. I mean, I truly stop breathing. I forget to breathe a lot when I’m overwhelmed with super fabulous things of beauty.

What is beautiful?
I’ve never been a fan of conventional anything. Conventional wisdom? No thank you. Conventional beauty standards? No way. And especially not conventional wisdom on what makes anything or anyone beautiful. No flippin’ way.

Well that was unexpected
Connecting with myself on a deeper level is vital to my mental and spiritual health. Even though it’s a daily practice, I’m always surprised when a new opportunity comes along and brings such joy with it.

Looking for Mermaids
I have looked for mermaids every time I’m at the beach. And sometimes I know I’ve seen one. But mostly, I stand there hoping and hoping to get a glimpse of one. Even just her tail would be fabulous. Just a little ripple on the water sets my heart racing. “This is it! There she is!”

Just me and my heart
I let my mind go blank. I stop thinking. I invite the flow.
And then it's just me and my heart and the work.