About me
Hey! I’m Zuzu.
I’ve been making things since I was three years old. Give me a needle and thread and I can whip up just about anything.
Over the years, I’ve designed and made many things. One of my proudest moments was stitching for the Shakespeare Theatre. It was so cool being part of something bigger than myself.
In between the creative work, I had one soul-crushing desk job after another. I dreamed of the day I’d be able to make art all day, every day.
Dreams have a way of hanging around in your heart.
I see my work as an expression of hope, beauty, and joy. Each day I ask, “Life is glorious. How can I express that?”
I hope you love my stuff as much as I do. I hope it speaks to your soul.
About the work
I’m totally in love with fabric and beads. I mean, like, crazy daisy in love! I love how they change when mixed together, and then how they are transformed by light.
I’m inspired by the natural world around me. My garden provides endless delight. As the light changes, so do the colors and textures of the plants. I love how bumblebee wings sparkle. I love the dragonflies that speed through the air like winged jewels. I adore the hummingbirds who perform their acrobatics while their feathers glitter and shimmer.
My art is my voice. I’m able to express myself fully -- no holding back. I’m seen. I’m heard. I may not be understood — and that's okay. I see me. I hear me. I understand me. With every stitch, with every bead, I come to know and love myself a little bit more.
Because my work is abstract, you’ll see whatever you bring to it. I love that. We each have our own stories. Our unique dreams. Our own hurts and our own healing. I hope my work brings light and love that will shine in the darkness of our times.
My work first appeared in the SC Palmetto Hands Fine Crafts Exhibition & Competition in April - May 2021. Palmetto Hands is part of the North Charleston Arts Fest. I was thrilled to be a part of it.
I hope you’ll be drawn into a piece and stay long enough to notice the tiny details. The way the colors move from one to the next. The way the light plays on the beads. The sparkle. The texture of the fabric and fibers. The movement created by the fibers and beads. I hope you experience a singular moment of beauty and joy. A chance to forget your worries for a bit, to be calm, and enjoy a bit of quiet in a busy day. To walk away refreshed and fulfilled and ALIVE. And really, to reconnect with your deepest and best self.
I’m delighted you’re here.