Pele's Dream


Pele — Goddess of volcanoes and fire, and the creator of islands — dreams of beauty and life and love. As she dreams, lava erupts and flows in a slow, seductive dance down the mountainside into the sea. And when the dance is done, islands are formed. Luscious plants and flowers grow. And people dance and sing and love on those islands, among all the beauty that Pele's Dream has created.

Orange + hot pink cross-woven silk dupioni flows down to the green + yellow batik. Perle cotton swirls and eddies as does a lava flow, while an assortment of glittering beads hint of the life that will emerge from the lava.

The Dream herself measures 4.25” x 3.75”. The canvas is 7” x 5” x 0.3” and is painted titanium white. Framed in a white shadowbox measuring 10” x 10” x 1.8” with a sawtooth hanger on back. Frame can also be displayed on a table top.

There’s so much going on in this piece. Power, strength, hope, and love.

Bring Pele and her dream home. Place her where you can see her power and strength every day. I hope you see something new in her every day as I do.

What I used:

Beads: Czech 11 glass beads in luscious olive silver-lined, old rose, medium blue, medium orange and light blue

Embroidery: Freestyle in perle cotton

Ribbon: Organza

Fabric: green batik + orange/hot pink cross-weave silk dupioni + deep hot pink raw silk

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